International Conference « Women in the Academic World»

International Conference
« Women in the Academic World»

Paris, March 25‐27, 2015
The conference is an action of the TRIGGER project (TRansforming Institutions by Gendering Contents and Gaining Equality in Research) and will take place within the following universities of the higher education and research alliance known as Sorbonne Paris Cité: Université de Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université Paris Descartes, Université Paris Diderot, Université Paris 13 Villetaneuse

Submitting a Paper Proposal
Deadline: May 26, 2014
The conference languages will be both French and English with simultaneous translation for the
plenary sessions and some of the workshops (depending on the financing obtained).
The organizers welcome three types of proposals:
1) A paper proposal
2) A symposium with 3 related papers
3) A poster
Please send a 500 word abstract that indicates the subject of your talk, the main questions and the sources it
will use. Include a brief bibliography of five appropriate references. Indicate which theme or themes your talk
For a symposium, please include an overall argument (between 300 and 500 words).
Include in your submission a brief curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).
Paper proposals should be sent to:
The committee will send out their response by early July 2014.
Scientific Committtee
Leora Auslander, University of Chicago
Elisabeth Belmas, Vice‐Présidente du Conseil d’administration, Université Paris 13
Nicole Fouché, Association Réussir l’égalité femmes‐hommes, EHESS
Delphine Gardey, Etudes genre, Université de Genève
Claudine Hermann, Association Femmes et Sciences
Jacqueline Laufer, MAGE, HEC
Anne Larue, Université Paris 13
Emmanuelle Latour, Ministère des droits des femmes
Hélène Lee‐Gosselin, Chaire Claire‐Bonenfant « Femmes, savoirs et sociétés », Univ. de Laval
Nicky Lefeuvre, Centre d’études genre, Université de Lausanne
Anne Le Friant, Institut Physique du Globe de Paris
Claire Le Jeunne, Université Paris Descartes
Catherine Marry, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, CNRS
Margaret Maruani, MAGE, Paris Descartes
Olivier Martin, Cerlis, Université Paris Descartes
Matamoros, Isabelle, Association EfiGies
Nicolas Mignan, Directeur Général des Services, Paris Descartes
Françoise Milewski, Presage, Sciences Po
Annie Montaut, Institut Nationale des Langues et des Civilisations Orientales
Anne Pépin, Mission pour les femmes au CNRS
Hélène Périvier, Presage, Sciences Po
Emmanuelle Picard, LAHRHA, ENS LSH Lyon
Frédérique Pigeyre, Institut de recherche en gestion, Université de Paris Est‐Créteil
Fabrice Virgili, Mnemosyne, IRICE, Université Paris I