CFP: "Science, Technology & Human values" - Special issue - Deadline: May 19, 2011

Call for Papers: Science, Technology & Human Values

Guest Editors:
Raoni Rajão, UFMG, Brazil/Lancaster University, UK

Ricardo B. Duque, University of Vienna, Austria

Rahul De, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India

Deadline for submission: May 19, 2011

The global South, that is the region outside of Western Europe and North America, has been historically neglected by social scientists studying science and technology (S&T). Since the 1990s however, a growing body of work has critically evaluated the contradictory role of Northern styles of S&T for development, including the cultural assumptions embedded within them and how social theory has expanded to consider the ways that local practices shape knowledge and technologies in these unique settings.
Nonetheless the vast majority of research in this scholarly area is still concentrated in a limited portion of the world.

The aim of this special issue is to deepen our knowledge about science and technology in different regional contexts from a multi-disciplinary perspective. In particular, it invites submissions of research carried out in the global South that contribute to the ongoing debate concerning Northern epistemological assumptions, discourses and the impacts of science and technologies. Moreover, this special issue also proposes to offer a space for the discussion and diffusion of theories and questions related to Southern intellectual traditions.

We welcome papers featuring historical, ethnographic or quantitative methodologies and that represent the following suggested themes:

1. Historical perspectives on interconnections between science, technology and development;

2. The emergence of new scientific practices and technologies in
politically, culturally and religiously diverse contexts;

3. The negotiation between Northern science and technology and local practices;

4. Local challenges to Northern theoretical conceptions, epistemology's and discourses.

Submissions from scholars working within the Global South are especially encouraged.

This is a renewed call for a special issue proposal to the journal
Science, Technology & Human Values (ST&HV) on the topic of Science, Technology, and Development. The proposal grows out of discussions (started and continued) during multiple sessions of Track 40 at last year’s EASST conference in Trento and continues through during a Colloquium at the University of Minnesota this April and at multiple sessions proposed for the next 4S conference in Cleveland during November 2011. It should be made clear that ST&HV has not yet accepted the proposal, but has indicated their high interest in it. Also they have made clear that if they do accept this special issue, it will be published no earlier than 2013 due to other special issue commitments. Prospective authors should make sure that they can wait this long for publication before submitting their manuscript to the guest editors listed above.

For this phase of the call, ST&HV has requested full papers that are ready for publication be submitted to the guest editors. Formatting and style should be in accordance ST&HV guidelines. Namely, article Manuscripts of no longer than 8,000 words, including endnotes and references.

Manuscripts must follow the Chicago style and should include an Abstract as well as up to five keywords. Author names and addresses should only appear on a removable cover page to facilitate double-blind review. If the manuscript includes complex figures or tables, please be prepared to send an additional print copy.

Authors who want to refine the use of English in their manuscripts might consider utilizing the services of professional editing services, such as the one provided by SPi (obs. this is only a suggestion and the guest editors, ST&HV or the publisher SAGE have no affiliation with this service).

Papers must be sent electronically by 19 May 2011 to the email:

These papers will be first evaluated by STHV editor and if the special issue proposal is approved they will go through a peer review process
coordinated by the guest editors.