CFP: "Medicine, Science and Technology in Argentina. Interdisciplinary Perspectives" - 1 June 2011, Buenos Aires - Deadline: Apr. 21, 2011

Workshop: Medicine, Science and Technology in Argentina. Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Call for papers (First circular)

This workshop aims to bring together a range of researchers working in the intersections of science, technology and medicine from different disciplines (history, sociology, anthropology and philosophy) and research areas (social studies of science, history of medicine, philosophy of science, etc.). It is our intention that the workshop will be an occasion to discuss research problems, innovative perspectives and a variety of methodological approaches between senior and early career researchers.
We encourage the submission of proposals broadly related to the topics listed below. The deadline for titles and abstracts is 21 April. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, include a title, summary of the paper, and full contact details.

Potential topics for discussion:

* Science, medicine and the state: Public and private initiatives:
- The state as scientific entrepreneur
- Public policies and healthcare institutions
- Private institutes, national and international philanthropy

* Configurations of the biomedical field in Argentina:
- Experimental medicine, clinical medicine, and social medicine
- Scientific and medical specialization
- Government, universities, foundations and industry

* International relations and the circulation of knowledge
(technologies, ideas, intellectual and academic networks):

- Travel and scientific exchanges
- Scientific instruments and animal models in the standardisation of knowledge
- Configuration and circulation of theories and research agendas

Dr Yolanda Eraso, Oxford Brookes University
Dr. Pablo Kreimer, CONICET/Universidad Nacional de Quilmes/Universidad Maimónides
Dr José Buschini, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Please submit abstracts to José Buschini
Date of the workshop: 1 June 2011
Place: Buenos Aires, Universidad Maimónides.
Organising institutions and sponsors: UNIVERSIDAD MAIMÓNIDES and OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY