CFP: "Gender and Eugenics in late 19th/early 20th Century Germany" - 22-25 September 2011, Louisville (Kentucky) - Deadline: Jan. 25, 2011

Call for Papers:
Gender and Eugenics in late 19th/early 20th Century Germany
2011 German Studies Association Conference
Louisville, Kentucky
September 22-25, 2011

The rise of eugenics in Germany coincided with both the expansion of the German feminist movement and the entry of women into the universities and higher professions. This panel seeks to understand how this similar chronology also led to the intersection of gender and eugenics in unexpected ways. How did women professionals or German feminists employ eugenics language and principles? Did this help and/or hinder women, the feminist movement, and professionalization? What can we make of women's use of eugenics in terms of understanding the larger intersection between gender and science? This call for individual papers invites contributions that examine similar themes of women, feminism, gender, and eugenics in late 19th/early 20th century Germany. Comparative and/or transnational perspectives are also welcome. Two of the papers on this panel examine the early 20th century (pre-1933), but we welcome papers from all other relevant time periods.

Please send proposals and a brief CV by January 25, 2011 via email to Melissa Kravetz ( Questions about this CFP may be directed either to Kirsten Leng ( or Melissa Kravetz.
Melissa Kravetz