CFP: Annual conference of the European Society of the History of Human Sciences - 5-8 July, 2011, Belgrade - Deadline: Apr. 1, 2011



*The /European Society of the History of Human Sciences/ (ESHHS) invites
submissions to its annual conference to be held at*


*University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, **5 to 8 July 2011***


Papers, posters, symposia, or workshops may deal with any aspect of the
history of the behavioral, human, and social sciences or with related
historiographic and methodological issues. Since this is the 30^th
annual conference of the ESHHS, we welcome suggestions for special
events (e.g. symposia) to celebrate the occasion.

The program committee will consist of Gordana Jovanovic (University of
Belgrade, local organizer), Uljana Feest (TU Berlin, Germany), Jannes
Eshuis (Open University, The Netherlands), Annette Mülberger (University
of Barcelona, Spain) and Petteri Pietikainen (University of Helsinki,

Submissions must be received by April 1^st 2011, and must be sent
electronically as an attachment in MSWord (.doc) or .rtf format to: ; ;

/Papers:/Submit a 700-800 word abstract plus short bibliography. The
program committee welcomes original papers, i.e. not previously
presented at other conferences or published.

/Posters:/Submit a 300 -- 400 word abstract.

/Symposia:/Submit a 300-word abstract describing the symposium as a
whole, and a 500-700 word abstract plus short bibliography from each of
the participants.

/Workshops:/Contact local organizer Gordana Jovanovic:

A limited number of travel funds will be available to students and to
scholars from countries with low value currencies who are presenting
papers or posters. Please indicate along with your submission if you
wish to be considered for this arrangement.

N.B. Just before the ESHHS conference in Belgrade, the ISTP
/(International Society for Theoretical Psychology)/ will have its
conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 27 June to 1 July 2011 (see The vicinity in time and space
allows a relatively easy attendance to both conferences.

/Conference site:/University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
( )

For updates on the conference, check the ESHHS website