CFP: XV Congress of the Spanish Society for the History of Medicine (SEHM) - 15-18 June 2011, Ciudad Real - Deadline Jan. 15, 2011

CIUDAD REAL, 15-18 JUNE 2011
The transmission of medical knowledge and the internationalization of health practices: a historical reflection
The main objective of the Fifteenth Congress of the Spanish Society of the History of Medicine (SEHM) will be to consider, from a historical and multidisciplinary point of view, the transmission of medical knowledge and the internationalization of health practices.
This goal is dictated by the challenges that the history of medicine has to face in the twenty-first century, and the importance of its active presence in a society that over the last twenty-five years has seen how the term “globalization” has shaped discourse and practice, not only in the economic field, but also in other key areas of human activity such as Public Health.
Many believe that a response to globalization, and a later stage in the world history of health, will be marked by the new concept of “Global Health”. Proponents of this concept have noted the advent of a new social and epidemiological reality, marked by the emergence and resurgence of infectious diseases in rich and poor countries alike. This suggests that we are very far from the control of communicable diseases by medical technology.
On the other hand, the term “Global Health” is also associated with a criticism of the apparent limitations suffered by the traditional agencies responsible for these issues, and the Ministries of Health in each country. This criticism also implies the recognition that global health now involves new participants, such as NGOs, patient and activist groups, new multilateral agencies and private donors.
This situation justifies a historical reflection which will provide a contextual view of the current situation, and enable us to cope better in the years ahead with the challenges of Medicine and Health in the twenty-first century.
We therefore invite all those who are members of the SEHM, as well as those who follow other disciplines, to participate in this XV Congress, to be held for the first time in Ciudad Real, where the new Medical Faculty, fired with enthusiasm, has just begun its activities.

Anyone interested in participating in this Congress is invited to register by completing the registration form which will shortly be available on our website: (
Registration fees, according to type of participation, will be as follows:
Registration fee:
(until 31 March 2011)
Members of SEHM, 200 €
Students and Doctoral candidates, 100 €
Non-members of SEHM, 220 €
(from 1 April 2011 until date of the Congress)
Members of SEHM, 250 €
Students and Doctoral candidates, 125 €
Non-members of SEHM, 280 €
The registration fee should be paid into the following account:
IBAN: ES14 0049 6591 1122 1600 5286
Account: 0049 6591 11 221 6005286
Description: Registration XV SEHM Congress
PAYMENT BY CARD via the Congress Website (available shortly)
Once payment has been made, please send a copy of the bank receipt by e-mail to the address or by ordinary post to the following address:
XV Congreso Nacional de la SEHM
A/a. Profa. María Isabel Porras
Facultad de Medicina
Camino de Moledores s/n
13071 Ciudad Real (España/ Spain)

Proposals for Papers and Round Tables (of 3-6 participants) may be submitted. Both types of proposal may be devoted to dealing with different aspects of the subject matter of the Congress, but it is also planned to organize sessions of “free” contributions. ..
Proposals must be formalized with a summary, not exceeding one page for Papers ot two for Round Tables, in Word or RTF format. These summaries must be sent by e-mail to the address
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 January 2011
Notification of acceptance of proposals, after mandatory evaluation: before 28 February 2011
Later circulars will give information on Papers, possibilities for accommodation, and other points of interest.
Should you have any queries, please wrote to the following address:
For the Organizing Committee,
María Isabel Porras Gallo
Medical Faculty of Ciudad Real
University of Castilla-La Mancha
More information available shortly on the Congress Website ( )
- 15 January 2011: Deadline for submission of proposals.
- 28 February 2011: Deadline for notification of acceptance or rejection of proposals.
- 31 March 2011: Deadline for payment of reduced fees.