CFP: "Academic mobility: challenges and prospects" - St. Petersburg (Russia) - Deadline: Jan. 15, 2011

We are pleased to invite you to the International Conference “Academic mobility: challenges and prospects” organized by Saint Petersburg state University of Service and economics in collaboration with WISHES consortium.
Vice-Rectors for international cooperation of European and Russian HEI, directors and staff in international offices, teaching staff involved in student mobility, researchers in HEI, international educators, administrators in charge of mobility programs, policy makers, Erasmus and Socrates offices are the target audience for this conference. The main aim of the conference is to provide a multidisciplinary international forum for discussing the actors of academic mobility, to support international academic mobility between European and Russian HEI; to raise awareness within higher education in Europe and Russia regarding academic mobility; to improve administrative, intercultural and teaching experiences of staff; to identify needs in home and host institutions. The conference will also focus on web-resources as possible instruments for academic mobility development. During the conference «WISHES» (Web-based Informational Service for Higher Education Students) realized in the frame of ERASMUS MUNDUS ACTION 4 will be presented to participants.

Papers related to any of the following topics have to be submitted before January 15, 2011:
1. Academic mobility as an instrument of Bologna process
2. Strategy planning and management for academic mobility in HEI
3. “Double diploma” programs: work experience of international cooperation between European and Russian HEI
4. Marketing instruments for international students recruitment
5. Web-portals as factors for academic mobility development
FOR YOUR ATTENTION: The cost for attending the conference is 250 euro. This includes: conference registration fee, a copy of the conference proceeding, access to the workshops, coffee-breaks, welcome dinner and closed drinks, guided tour to Petergof. Accommodation is offered at the hotel “Tavricheskaya” for participants wishing to stay there for special price 30 euro/per night (breakfast all services and taxes included). For more information, please, refer to